
Hello, I’m Curtis Hu. I’m an undergraduate at UC Berkeley. My research lies in Deep Learning for Hadronic Interactions for Dr. Xiangyang Ju under the ATLAS group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. When I’m not running experiments on the NERSC supercomputer, I also do some teaching for cs88c.

I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the brightest and most interesting minds on the planet. I’ve worked with my graduate student Thilo Scharnhorst with teaching quantum machine learning algorithms. I’ve worked with amazing team at Space Enterprise at Berkeley to get the E1 Rocket past 11000 ft into the air.

Some pet project of mine include content creation of mathematical topics. I’ve created some miscellaneous projects there too.

I have a side blog analyzing Nobel-Prize-winning Bob Dylan songs. I’ve liked to run long distances since high school cross country. I love to read books and occasionally taking photos.

resume, github, linkedin, funnyscar