
Hello, I’m Curtis Hu. I’m an undergraduate at University of California, Berkeley studying Physics and Computer Science. This past summer, I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to work directly under the direct mentorship of Dr. Branson Stephens and Dr. Kevin Driver on experimenting with hydrocode boundary conditions for fusion ignition experiments at Lawerence Livermore National Laboratory. Before that, I’ve worked on deep learning algorithms to simulate hadronic interactions under Dr. Xiangyang Ju at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

I’ve also have the opportunity to teach Intro to Artificial Intelligence (CS188) and Intro to Optics, Relativity, Quantum Mechanics (PHYS 7C). A pet project of mine is creating fun little code art. I’ve created some miscellaneous projects there too.

I’ve liked to run long distances since high school cross country. I love to read books and play Dylan songs.

resume, github, linkedin, funnyscar

Last updated 8/25/2024